The Dooble Rainbae
A Mither
Full Moon on a Cloudy Night
Forward Looking
Greeting My Grandfather
At the Eleventh Hour
Mary's Sang
The Funeral
My Faither's Words
Fallen Angel
Newbigging Road
Quean for a Day
The Booncin Baa
A Winter Dawn
Men at Work
The Milestane
Biggar Kirk
Brownsbank Cottage
Nuala's Art
Tweed at Peebles
On Biggar Pond
Fowre Haiku oan the Beach
Yr Wyddfa
Thelma Cann
Old Acquaintance
Philip Pullman
The Dooble Rainbae
Ten Haiku from Whitecastle Hill
Medwyn Below Greenshields
Sclimbin the Knock
Whaup Eggs
Wha made this road?

It isnae aften ye see that, A says

tae the laddie, comin hame frae the gemm;

A dooble rainbae!  The twa airches raise

heich i the lift, lik soarin ambeetioun

or the leemits tae whit a bairn micht cam,

their colours transpairent, as the sunlicht,

settin, slipp’t its knife atween clood an grun

an crack’t open the shell o the dreich nicht.


The laddie wis quiet for a wee, then speirt

We’ve seen loats lately, but?  An so’s we hud.

Which gart me wunner hoo the magick cud

seem sae ordnar an no mak him sae feart

as A wis... Mebbe A'm gettin owre auld

tae tak in ma stride the swick o the waurld.
