A wis pechin an pantin bae the time
A tummled oan tae the tap o the hill;
sae A’d nae braith left fur the sicht tae tak
awaa. A juist
stuid there, haudin a stab
o the fence, while ma lungs tried tae sook some
sap frae the cauld dry air that seep’t atween
the trees, tae damp the knockin in ma heid.
A wis fair puggled, sae A wis; deid dune.
Sae it wis oot the coarner o ma ee,
juist, that A saw the hills ayont Coulter
loup lik dolphins owre the waves o the land
wi the glaister o sunlicht oan their backs,
an the brave blue skies keekin at thaim thro
the cloods an clap-clappin their hauns wi glee.
It wis a gledsome sicht, richt eneuch. A
mind it weel, e'en tho A wis in nae fit
state tae ’preeciate it then, that sair pressed
A wis juist tae draw braith. But in't that the
wey, hoo the hings ye haurlie tak tent o
at the time, the unco hings, can get sneck’t
in the faulds o yer mem’ry, an fester
there lik a corm afore comin tae floo’r?
Aince A’d got ma wind back, A birl’t tae see
some snawdraps chappin their wee green beaks thro
the shell o the earth.
An A mind thinkin
hoo some chiel maun hae plantit thaim lang syne
in the mem’ry o the hill, juist so’s that
some’dy lik masel micht ane day spy thaim.