
A Mither
Full Moon on a Cloudy Night
Forward Looking
Greeting My Grandfather
At the Eleventh Hour
Mary's Sang
The Funeral
My Faither's Words
Fallen Angel
Newbigging Road
Quean for a Day
The Booncin Baa
A Winter Dawn
Men at Work
The Milestane
Biggar Kirk
Brownsbank Cottage
Nuala's Art
Tweed at Peebles
On Biggar Pond
Fowre Haiku oan the Beach
Yr Wyddfa
Thelma Cann
Old Acquaintance
Philip Pullman
The Dooble Rainbae
Ten Haiku from Whitecastle Hill
Medwyn Below Greenshields
Sclimbin the Knock
Whaup Eggs
Wha made this road?

It wis a gallus hing,

spurnin tae flee aff as A drave by,

e’en tho A cam wi’in a fuit o’t.


It juist stuid there, rowin

the muckle muscles o its shoothers

ablow the cape o its Aztec cloak,

an haudin the waicht o

the hale warld bae the stem o the stab

it haed sneck’t in its clawtips.


Richt gallus, so it wis.

It peer’t awaa tae the faur deestance

s’if A’s worth scant conseederatioun,

takin in the fluidit

park, the wuidit brae, an the blae hills

ayont wi the scan o’ts godlik ee.


Yet ay it waatch’t me, frae

the glaissy daipth o its lochan look,

wi a slicht o cauld disdain.
