Ye’d think it had naewhaur tae gang
the wey it daunners roon the kintrae,
turnin doon ev’ry wee dip in the land
tae tak a look.
Some buddy must hae bin the furst
tae get intae the habit o gaun
this wey an weerin a path in the turf
atween thir hills.
Aa A can say is he cudnae
hae bin in a hurry, no lik thon craw
that flees straucht as an arra tae its next
bit o business.
Or mebbe nae buddy made it.
Mebbe it juist grew lik some muckle
gemm o doat-tae-doat that jined the biggins,
networkin fowk
Sic are the threids that shew neibours
oot o ithers, freens oot o strangers,
thir rid roads o Lanarkshire that criss-cross
the land lik veins.